Size: H:2cm x W:1.5cm x D:1.5cm Description: A combination of three rare thallium minerals in crystallized form: routhierite (Tl(Cu,Ag)(Hg,Zn)2(As,Sb)2S6,) arsiccioite (AgHg2Tl(As,Sb)2S6) and protochabourneite (Tl5-xPb2x(Sb,As)21-xS34). The last two are, in addition, very new: arsiccioite is IMA 2013-58 and protochabourneite IMA 2011-054. The physical aspect of each species is as follows: arsiccioite is light red (first and second photo), protochabourneite is metallic black (third and sixth photos) and routhierite is shiny dark red (intergrown with arsiccioite). Arsiccioite and protochabourneite have not found at any other site in the world, so they are a one locality mineral. Monte Arsiccio Mine, Apuan Alps, Tuscany, Italy